Saturday, March 31, 2012

Return to USA

God has a mighty plan for all of our lives. He knows the best. His thoughts are higher than ours. His ways are better, his love is stronger, his power is greater than anything at all that we can imagine.

YES, I feel a burden for the people of Namibia. YES, it takes time, investment and prayer to get to know and build trust relationships with the kids and mommies. YES, I love being a part of the work God's been doing here. YES, I see the value God has placed on my life and on the families lives since the very first time I came in 2010. YES, I'd feel privileged and brimming with joy and gladness, when the Lord decides to bring me back to Namibia.

The families are tight and the children need a lot of love. That's something i'm willing to give. As perfectly mentioned by one of the mommies, she has so much love in her heart for them- if God ever said they wouldn't be apart of her life anymore, it would be hard, but she doesn't know everything that is supposed to happen. In other words, nothing is ours that we should hold onto it so tightly, every thing belongs to God! If their own mother can say that with such confidence, and if GOD, even can give up his only son to be beaten and die, in the hands of rotten sinners, than surely we(I) can trust him with eveything as well! Nothing can separate us from the love that God has for us.

YES, I love being a part of the families here, but I'm also content to be wherever I'm supposed to be.

I'm returning home on Tuesday, because I've been denied a work permit without reason three times. It's the end of the ninety day tourist visa, and I'll wait for a reply on the fourth application, safely back in the USA. If I'm not home by April 5th than I can get into serious trouble. It was a shock at first, but who am I to think I can understand the mind of god!? I know that His word is true and His promises to keep the children safe and healthy will come to fruition. Once again, He doesn't need Miss Anna's help :)

Anna Gdanian


  1. Anna, thank you for the update. You are continually in our thoughts and prayers.

    As you have so eloquently said, God's ways really are best; and sometimes he just wants us to trust Him as our Heavenly Father, without giving us explanations of the whys and hows of His plan.

    Love you, and looking forward to seeing you!
    ~marjie O

  2. Focus on what WAS done by the Lord through you...even in that amount of time you were given there.....
    Thank You Lord for Anna's willingness to go.....and obediance to come home.
