Sunday, November 18, 2012

Just imagine what life would be like for students if the following were true?

IF teachers' and staffs' main focus in their work was the students THAN there would be a much higher passing rate in Namibia and across the world!
IF precious children felt safe, valued and respected - the state of mind in which they are most naturally capable of learning - THAN they would be able to retain content.
 IF teachers assigned authority to students and not gave them tasks THAN we would develop leaders not followers.

Imagine if...
every moment of these precious ones' days were absent of all threats, confusion and strife.
"For God is not the author of confusion, but of PEACE!"
they knew what to expect when coming to class
the directions were clear and there was never miscommunication between teacher and student.
"Mean what you say, and say what you mean!"
teachers cared about their students' personal and academic goals.
teachers actually believed that every student can learn, although each brain is unique?!
teachers believed that they can influence and inspire students?
Imagine if...
students were were consistently taught (7% of the time with words 93% by adult-modelling) to respect teachers, peers and themselves.
there was a secure classroom whose activities were purposed to intentionally reach "all learners." If
students could trust and therefore respect the authorities in their lives

IF we engaged students in their learning since that's 90% effective and lecturing is only 5% THAN we would have at least 90% success in the classroom, at home and at assessment time.
IF we ministered to their emotional needs THAN "A heart at Peace gives life to the body!"
IF we exemplified true love for them to follow since that is the only thing that can truly transform a person THAN they would actually love thier peers and themselves.
In the same way, if students felt valued by the adults in their lives; they could in turn value themselves, their peers and their work.
 "But Jesus looked at them and said to them, 'With Men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible!'" (Matthew 19:26

Teacher, parent or not - we all have children in our lives, can we commit to loving them like this so the above items can turn from imaginary to reality and our "proofs" can come to pass?

They are worth it!

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